The Great Belonging Project: Day 6

“After several hours with The Golden State over the course of many weeks, I realized [Lydia] Kiesling’s…words and scenes were also making me feel seen and known. I wasn’t the only mother who worried and agonized over parenting decisions. I wasn’t the only mother who was thrilled when her children finally fell asleep. I wasn’t the only mother who doubted if she was doing this whole motherhood thing the right way.” - The Great Belonging: How Loneliness Leads Us to Each Other

Reread a favorite book to  boost your sense of belonging for The Great Belonging Project: Day 6

Reread your favorite books to remember your literary belongings and feel less alone in this world today.

You don’t have to read the whole book. Pick a chapter, a page, a paragraph. 

Read the words that help you return to the mind and soul space you encountered before that made you think “me too!” or “yes, isn’t that so true” or “how did he wrap words around that thing I couldn’t find words for?” or “oh my god this author made a world that makes me feel at home.”

Then take notes for five or ten minutes. Then take all of those lovely feelings of belonging and being seen and known and do the next thing.

Which favorite books help you feel less lonely? All genres count. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, whatever. Share in the comments if you want. And let me know how your belongings grow if you reread a favorite book today or one day soon.

Thank God for the books that help us feel less alone.
Originally posted on Instagram here.

The Great Belonging Project is an offering from Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ and covered by the Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ trademark. Please help us protect our intellectual property, creative process, and the integrity of our work. You are welcome to forward these links to others, but any other use (written or spoken) is prohibited without written permission from Charlotte Donlon.


The Great Belonging Project: Day 5


The Great Belonging Project: Day 7