Spiritual Direction for Belonging™
One-on-One Sessions & Custom Guided Retreats

Loneliness is confusing. Sometimes it’s hard to name and pinpoint our loneliness because our experiences of loneliness can change depending on our circumstances and season of life.

Regardless of our ability to wrap words around our feelings of connection and disconnection, it’s safe to say we all struggle with various forms of loneliness.

But we also know belonging.

We belong to ourselves, others, the divine, and the world. And things like art and the places we inhabit can grow our belongings.

Charlotte Donlon has been a spiritual director since 2018 and has been thinking about loneliness and belonging for most of her life. Her first book, The Great Belonging: How Loneliness Leads Us to Each Other, has helped readers navigate loneliness and belonging since it was published in 2020.

Charlotte is thrilled to offer Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ One-on-One Sessions and Custom Retreats for those who want to explore their loneliness and broaden their belongings in a one-on-one spiritual direction setting or through her custom hybrid retreat format.