The Great Belonging Project: Day 5

“Sometimes I think of loneliness as a sort of mindfulness bell calling me to query my senses. If I am feeling lonely in a particular moment, I ask myself, What am I seeing, tasting, touching, hearing, and smelling? Are there any connections between my senses and this particular feeling of loneliness? How can I engage my senses so I can have a more significant connection to myself and this present moment?” - The Great Belonging: How Loneliness Leads Us to Each Other

The Great Belonging Project: Day 5 >>> Befriend your body, calm your mind, nurture your soul.

Which verbs help *you* belong to different parts of your full self? 

How can you approach your relationship to your body, mind, and soul in ways that bring greater integration?

What if you thought about your body, mind, and soul within a framework of belonging and connection instead of judgment and frustration?

What comes to mind? Please share below to initiate a helpful exchange and provide your perspective.

Originally posted on Instagram here.

The Great Belonging Project is an offering from Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ and covered by the Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ trademark. Please help us protect our intellectual property, creative process, and the integrity of our work. You are welcome to forward these links to others, but any other use (written or spoken) is prohibited without written permission from Charlotte Donlon.


The Great Belonging Project: Day 4


The Great Belonging Project: Day 6