The Great Belonging Project: Day 29

“When I read a book about a mother and her son in which the author gives attention to the mother’s body, I remembered my own body. I remembered playing with the plastic dump trucks in the mulch with my kids at Triangle Park a few miles from our house…” - The Great Belonging: How Loneliness Leads Us to Each Other

“All the things that are wrong in the world seem conquered by a library’s simple unspoken promise: Here I am, please tell me your story; here is my story, please listen.” - @susanorlean

For The Great Belonging Project: Day 29, plan your next visit to a public library because libraries make everything better. 

While you’re there, ask a librarian about upcoming programs and events. 

Ask if they have any favorite books. 

Check out some big fat art books that you won’t ever buy because they’re too expensive and too heavy.

Borrow other types of books too. 

Wander around and smile at others who like to be in libraries. 

Then go do the next thing with a better sense of belonging.

Thank God for libraries.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, if you like!

Originally posted on Instagram here.

The Great Belonging Project is an offering from Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ and covered by the Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ trademark. Please help us protect our intellectual property, creative process, and the integrity of our work. You are welcome to forward these links to others, but any other use (written or spoken) is prohibited without written permission from Charlotte Donlon.


The Great Belonging Project: Day 28


The Great Belonging Project: Day 30