The Great Belonging Project: Day 25

“I had long been formed by the language of the Psalms, and so somewhere in the sorrow of loneliness and my new diagnosis, I turned to them. In moments during which I had the ability to focus on Scripture, I’d meditate on a psalm or two or three. Over time I began to experience the psalter in a new way. I discovered the Psalms were a cradle in which I could rest.” - The Great Belonging: How Loneliness Leads Us to Each Other

“Once you retain a poem to memory, it will stay with you for life. Like a trusted friend, it will comfort you during the most challenging times. 

To quote Rumi: ‘Let yourself be silently drawn to the stronger pull of what you truly love. It will not lead you astray.’” - Book Riot 

For The Great Belonging Project: Day 25, memorize a poem or psalm that helps you feel less alone. 

There are at least a dozen benefits of memorization. Greater belonging might be all the motivation you need though.

Memorize a poem or a psalm. Words are less likely to move away, die, or break up with you.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, if you like!

Originally posted on Instagram here.

The Great Belonging Project is an offering from Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ and covered by the Spiritual Direction for Belonging™ trademark. Please help us protect our intellectual property, creative process, and the integrity of our work. You are welcome to forward these links to others, but any other use (written or spoken) is prohibited without written permission from Charlotte Donlon.


The Great Belonging Project: Day 24


The Great Belonging Project: Day 26